Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Pre-Registration and On-Site Registration?
PRE REGISTRATION includes: Registration Packet, Alliance Registration Wallet, GMWA Badge, Complimentary Label Scope, all food functions, departing gift, product servicing
ON SITE REGISTRATION includes: Registration Packet, Alliance Registration Wallet, GMWA Badge and complimentary Label Scope

What is The Alliance of Gospel Music Professionals?

The Alliance,  is one of the auxiliaries birthed out of the GMWA.  The is a hub of rich information.  It is a place where industry professionals such as announcers, artists, producers, etc. can come to network, share best practice, and leverage the pool of experts to enhance the use of traditional and social marketing.

How long has The Alliance been around?

The Alliance was established in 1970 by the late James Cleveland.

How do I establish a group in my city and what is the financial obligations?

If a group does not already exist in the area within a 50 mile radius in your area, please contact the Alliance Headquarters and information will be provided.

How do I become a member of The Alliance and what is the membership fee?

To become a member you can join the nearest Alliance or contact the Alliance Headquarters. The Headquarters will direct you to the appropriate Alliance in your area/region.

Do I need to be a part of GMWA to be a part of The Alliance and if so what are the total membership fees?

What events are we required to attend as Alliance members?

Currently there are two National meetings during the year that would be beneficial for the members to attend. 1) The Annual Board Meeting, typically the second week in March, and the  Annual Workshop (Convention) which takes place in the last week of July.

I am a active member and I am interested in helping at a National level, what are the steps I need to take to make this happen?

Please see The Alliance Administrator for complete details.